The above image was published in the
Tuscaloosa news today in conjunction with a
story concerning a hate crime. If you cannot make it out, the letters "KKK" were spray painted on the streets and trailors of eight Hispanic and 8 African-American residents of a trailer park in Northport.
When I saw this story, I immediately began to think about the hate crime legislation in the state of Alabama. I thought I knew what our hate crimes laws covered, but was surprised and dismayed to discover that I was mistaken.
I found an Alabama State website which provided a brief explanation of what was covered under the Alabama Hate Crimes Legislation. However, I wanted to find out what other states' legislation looked like. So, I found a
website sponsored by the
Anti Defamation League which provided a Hate Crimes legislation checklist. When looking at the website, it shows that Alabama provides for the following:
1. Bias Motivated Violence and Intimidation
2. Criminial Penalty (For commission of such acts)
3. Legislation covers race, religion, and ethnicity
4. Institutional Vandalism
5. Also included: Mental and physical handicap and
Although it is wonderful that we have these provisions for the commission of hate crimes in the state of Alabama, we are still very seriously lacking in these provisions when compared with other states. As you can see when you view the website, other states have our provisions, as well as others which offer more expansive coverage:
1. Civil Action
2. Inclusion of Sexual Orientation
3. Inclusion of Gender
4. Data collection which includes both sexual orientation
and gender - as well as race, ethnicity, and religion
5. Mandatory training for law enforcement personnell.
Rhode Island, Washington, Louisiana, Minnesota, and California are the only states which include all of the aforementioned provisions.
After viewing all of this information, I believe I am much more educated on both Alabama's hate crime legislation and those of the rest of the country. Now that you know a little bit more, what do you think about our Hate Crime Legislation? Do we have enough coverage? Is what we have enough?
Thoughts? Comments?