CNN is reporting that likely Republican nominee, John McCain is outlining his ideas for reform of public education. In the brief article, he discusses the use of "finance vouchers for students in failing schools and merit pay for teachers". I read this blip of an article, and thought it sounded quite familiar. I was somewhat surprised by the shortness of the article. There was not a lot of explanation.
Barack Obama's plan for education reform is a little more clearly defined, and seems to take more of a lifespan (meaning 0-18yrs) approach to education.
I completed a search on google about the topic, and couldn't find a whole lot more explanation. . . it got me thinking . . . education reform is a topic that is often very passionately debated . . . No Child Left Behind, for example, is a program that sparks passion in both its supporters and its detractors . . . Therefore, it made me think. . . what do our students think about education reform? What are your ideas about the programs that are in place? . . . and about the ideas the current candidates are discussing . . .
First an education starts at home and a child has to want to receive an education.I think 'No Child left Behind" is something that only looks at children passing tests and not learning what has been taught. Teachers are making sure the children are able to pass the exams given at schools, but are they able to retain the information. Teachers are not compensated enough and sometimed don't have the credentials to mee the child's needs. I agree with “No Child Left Behind”, but is it doing what it has been set out to do. I also agree with Obama and education up until age 18 and that all children need an education. The question is where do you get the funds to meet the children's needs?
First, I should say that I am very interested in politics especially this year with the progress that our country has made by nominating the first African American Presidential Candidate. Hands down I am an Obama supporter so I hope that I am not being bias here. I watch CNN and MSNBC on a daily basis. I have heard Sen. Obama speak in detail about education reform on numerous occasions but I have not heard Sen. McCain speak in detail concerning this topic. I have to admit that as a Social Worker I am not as educated on programs, for instance No Child Left Behind, as I should be. However, I do know enough to know that improvement is greatly needed. Sen. Obama obviously has the same perspective but I am not so clear on Sen. McCain’s views. Education plays a huge role in our society. I feel that our candidates should be as specific about education as they are concerning other topics such as WAR.
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