Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Case of John McCain and the "Illegitimate Black Baby"

Meghan and Bridget are featured in the above photo . . .

The Nation ran a story in January of 2008 about the "smear" campaign that was orchestrated by George Bush's presidential campaign team during the 2000 election.

Picture it . . . South Carolina, 2000 . . . John McCain has just won the Republican primary in the state of New Hampshire, and was favored to win the upcoming South Carolina primary. Enter, Karl Rove . . . It has been reported that Karl Rove developed and implemented a phone survey that included the question, "Would you be more or less likely to vote for John McCain...if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?" Seriously, folks, this happened. Certainly, the inclusion of this question was not a coincidence as Senator McCain was, at the time, campaigning with his dark-skinned, adopted daughter, Bridget - from Bangladesh. The tactic worked . . . Bush won the primary . . . and the rest is history. Not to say that George Bush wouldn't have one the nomination and the eventual election anyway. . . but, we'll never know. The reason that we will never know is because people were swayed by fiction . . . but more to the point . . . they were swayed by racially charged fiction.

Of note . . . the article goes on to say that Senator McCain has hired Charlie Condon, former state attorney general of South Carolina, to work on his campaign . . . not too interesting . . . until you discover that Mr. Condon worked for the Bush campaign in 2000 and was a part of the aforementioned smear tactic . . . interesting stuff huh . . .

Click the link to read the whole story...

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